Hearing Tests
Learn why it's important to test your hearing and about the types of tests offered at Wolfe Hearing

Take control of your hearing health
Here are five reasons why regular monitoring of your hearing and early intervention are essential.
1. Early detection and treatment of hearing loss may prevent any potential effect on the brain’s sound processing, leading to cognitive decline and permanent damage to your hearing health and wellbeing.
2. It helps you identify and treat other health problems which may have associated hearing symptoms such as dull hearing or tinnitus.
3. It's much easier to treat hearing problems when they first arise, and doing so means you can continue to enjoy the activities you love.
4. You can monitor and be aware of gradual changes in your hearing levels that you may not notice (but others will).
5. You can reduce the emotional impact of hearing loss including strain on relationships, frustration, embarrassment, loss of identity and loneliness.
Which appointment is right for you?
Diagnostic hearing test
45 mins
Tests to investigate medical symptoms or determine presence, extent and cause of any suspected hearing problem. This is ideal for when your doctor or workplace has recommended a hearing test.

Hearing test and hearing
needs assessment
75 mins
Full hearing assessment and treatment recommendations including thorough discussion of hearing aids if appropriate. We explain the benefits of different treatment plans, the pro's and cons of hearing aid styles and the features best suited for your individual needs.
Tinnitus assessment
Call clinic to book
A special series of tests to determine the nature of your tinnitus. A diagnostic hearing test is included. We provide personalised recommendations for tinnitus treatment and management.

What we do
Workplace and pre-employment hearing tests
Medical diagnostic hearing tests and pre/post operative tests
Hearing needs assessments and hearing aid recommendations
ACC and War Veterans Hearing tests
Government hearing aid funding applications
Civil aviation tests for Pilots