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Meet Angella Wolfe

Hello, I'm Angella! I'm very passionate about what I do and I feel lucky to have chosen Audiology as my career path. I'm so proud that my business, Wolfe Hearing has become such a big part of the local Auckland and Waikato communities we serve. After well over 20 years in the Audiology profession I still absolutely love my job. It's incredibly rewarding helping people take charge of their hearing.  We specialise in fitting the latest hearing aids and we can achieve some incredible results to improve people's quality of life.

My Story

After completing my Master's degree in Audiology I initially worked for a large hearing chain.  I received a lot of support and everything was done well but I wanted to be able to put my own stamp on the Audiology services I offered.  I could see that this personal touch was something my customers were looking for too.  I started Wolfe Hearing in 2005 and ensured that our customers had access to the widest range of hearing aid options.  There is constant research and development into hearing technology and we are able to select from the brands that have the most successful technology and change these selections when new and improved features become available.

Our Clinical Audiologists

At Wolfe Hearing our customers tell us that they are looking for experience, and continuity of care with the same expert professional.  As with many health Professions there is a shortage of Audiologists in New Zealand.  That's why many customers of large Audiology chains have to deal with an ever changing parade of often young and inexperienced Audiologists.  We have intentionally kept our Wolfe Hearing team small and carefully select expert local Audiologists with the aim of developing a lasting relationship with our customers.

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Free Second Opinion

We offer new customers a free second opinion.  If you are not satisfied with your current provider or simply want independent unbiased advice, book a complimentary, obligation free appointment with us.

Just bring in your hearing test and hearing aids (if you have them), and find out whether we could improve your hearing.

Book an Appointment

Book your Hearing Test, Hearing Aid discussion, Hearing review or Hearing Aid adjustments directly with our online system

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